Shangri-La Frontier: Episode 24 Review

RNG is a bitch.

The twenty-fourth episode of Shangri-La Frontier is out. Sunraku ignores every warning he’s given and decides to challenge an area filled with Level 100+ monsters for the greatest reward of all: loot.

Let’s discuss it all in my Recap and Review.


The episode opens with Sunraku deciding to test his luck by getting up the canyon with a combination of jumping buffs and then climbing the rest of the way up. He ends up finding a crystalline landscape called the Crystal Nest Cliff, where the footing is terrible and he gets ambushed by one of the Crystal Scorpions right away. It’s over Level 100 and goes through the terrain like a train, and like Emul warned him they attack in a swarm.

So he gets jumped and dies screaming before he respawns back in Rabituza next to Emul. She gives him the stinkeye and a lecture until he bribes her with carrots before heading back into town. He still hasn’t learned his lesson though and plans to at least not die empty-handed this time as he finds a mining spot to get some rare materials.

Unfortunately, he goofs and hits a stone hard enough to grab the attention of every Crystal Scorpion in the area. He settles for using all his buffs to mine the spot before he gets killed again. And it pans out since he actually got some ore before he died this time. He then plans to take a nap, but his gamer brain runs a mile in a minute and he comes up with a strategy to get more materials.

Anyway, he goes back and antagonizes the lot of them so they try to dogpile him. Only this time he uses Six-Boat Leap to have their carapaces break before hiding inside Inventoria until their aggro resets. By the time he comes out, there’s all loot and no monsters since they left, meaning he gets everything without a fight and makes out like a bandit by doing it over and over while laughing like a maniac until he nearly runs out of MP.

Then he realizes he doesn’t have a Stinger from them, so he decides he’s going to have to grab at least one of those. So when a Crystal Scorpion pops up to ruin his day, he buffs himself and attacks the stinger to break it off. But the armor is tough enough that he can’t break it on his own, so he kites them into attacking one he lands on before popping back out to deliver a [Glowing Pierce] and finally breaking it.

The scorpions gank him before he can get it though. He wakes back up in Rabituza in tears and curses the Goddess of RNG, like any true gamer. And then he opts to take the materials he got to Bilac to salve his remaining pride by bathing in her praise for his accomplishments.

The SLF Mini has Sunraku complaining about his curse and hoping a glitch will allow him to equip armor. Pencilgon mentions someone she knows fought it only to get toppled like bowling pins and pulled some maneuver called Dynamite Bone-In Muscle Burst that worked pretty well. She refuses to elaborate before she leaves and it lives rent-free in his head for a long time.


Well, this was a nice little cooldown episode where Sunraku cheeses Level 100+ Mobs for loot only for RNG Goddess to deny him the rare drop… which is 100% relatable. Like killing Priscilla for her scythe only for the Painting Guardians to gank you and you lose all the souls before you can make it to the bonfire in Dark Souls…

Otherwise, there isn’t much to talk about given that it was just watching him refusing to settle for less than gathering as much loot as possible despite the death penalty.

That being said, I still love the dynamic between Sunraku and Emul. Perfect partners in battle. Perfect comedic duo outside of it. You’ll always have a laugh watching them.

But there’s still the matter of no Season 2 announcement being made yet and I think we only have one more episode to go. There’s a lot of good stuff to follow up on, and if they were going to be rushing it they wouldn’t be doing such a faithful adaptation.

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